Friday, June 10, 2011

NFrisch - Meaning 1.2 Abstraction


This symbol, widely known as a symbol for radioactive, actually is directly taken from the basic geometric design of a nuclear bomb, or an exothermic fission chain reaction. Although likely not known explicitly to the majority of the population, the three black pie sections around the perimeter represent a radioactive material (such as uranium or plutonium), the center black circle a single atom that will momentarily fuse with the outer pieces, and the yellow a high explosive that will kick start this reaction. The color yellow typically suggests "caution" as seen in yellow caution tape and in yellow traffic lights - suggesting that an abrupt stop is soon approaching. Although this is quite symbolic in nature, the essential elements of what it represents have been distilled and simplified into a form that require no artistic license, and can virtually be recreated by a machine and stamped out one after another.

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