Sunday, June 26, 2011

NFrisch - EX12 - Basic Elements: Color

This hanging light piece looks like two series of fluorescent or LED lights of different colors with canvas draped down both sides. The canvas gives a pleasant effect of smoothing out the colors emitted by each light and dispersing them much more than would be without it there. Since color can only exist with directional light, whether reflected or generated, it isn’t visible in plain, empty air, thus ways to disperse light across a surface improve its ability to be seen. The order of the colors in this piece are also interesting in their effect, having mostly warmer ones on the left and cooler ones on the right. However, whether or not deliberately created, the order of light colors directly follows the order in which they naturally occur in the color spectrum, starting with red, then amber/ yellow, green, blue, purple/UV (I’m not sure if the last color the designer used is a purple light or a black light.

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